AEW Rampage: Holiday Bash Results (12/23)
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AEW Rampage: Holiday Bash Results (12/23)

May 21, 2023

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Rampage: Holiday Bash" on December 23, 2022, coming to you from the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio, Texas!

Top Flight and AR Fox, Blackpool Combat Club, Best Friends and Orange Cassidy, Dark Order, Varsity Athletes and Ari Daivari, La Faccion Ingobernable, Spanish Announce Project, and Kip Sabian, The Butcher and The Blade will all be vying for $300,000 in the inaugural $300,000 Three Kings Christmas Casino Trios Battle Royale. Once all three members of a team go over the top rope, the team will be eliminated from the match. Which team will take home the cash prize?

TBS Champion Jade Cargill will be in action tonight, as she faces Vertvixen in a TBS Championship Eliminator Match. If Vertvixen wins, she will not only earn herself a TBS Championship match, but will become the first person to ever defeat Cargill. Cargill currently holds a winning streak of 44-0. Will Vertvixen be able to etch her name in the history books, or will Cargill be able to score yet another win?

One half of the current AEW World Tag Team Champions Anthony Bowens will be teaming up with "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn to take on Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett. Lethal and Jarrett have made it clear over the last couple of weeks that they are coming for the tag team titles, and went as far as smashing Jarrett's signature guitar across the head of Bowens' partner, Max Caster at "Winter Is Coming". Will Bowens and Gunn be able to exact their revenge?

Additionally, former TNT Champion Wardlow, "The Mad King" Eddie Kingston, and Kingston's teammate Ortiz will all be addressing AEW fans. What will they have to say?

We are live! Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Chris Jericho greet audiences at home while LFI, Best Friends and Orange Cassidy, and Butcher, The Blade and Kip Sabian are already battling in the ring. Blade sends Beretta into the middle turnbuckle. Sabian delivers a knee to Cassidy that sends him to the outside before Rush comes out of nowhere and knocks him down. Vance plants Taylor with a spinebuster, then tosses him over the top.

Eliminated: Chuck Taylor

Blackpool Combat Club heads to the ring as the next entrants. They go straight after Butcher, Blade, and Sabian. Castagnoli delivers a stomp to Blade in the corner as Sabian delivers several stomps to Cassidy. Moxley sends Sabian into the top turnbuckle face first as Dark Order heads to the ring as the next entrants. They go straight to work beating down Vance and raining down right hands on him in an act of revenge. They deliver several stomps, then set their sights on Moxley. Castagnoli and Yuta pull Dark Order off Moxley.

Back from the break, Moxley eliminates Blade, Cassidy, and Sabian.

Eliminated: The Blade, Orange Cassidy, Kip Sabian

Spanish Announce Project head to the ring as the next entrants, but Angelico is almost immediately eliminated by Beretta. Dralistico is eliminated by Silver before Rush hits Silver with a rolling elbow and tosses him over the top rope.

Eliminated: Angelico, Dralistico and John Silver

Uno beats Rush down before Moxley hits him with a cutter. He then tosses Uno over the top rope, but Uno lands on the apron. He then delivers a dropkick to eliminate him. Castagnoli tosses Luther out of the ring as Varsity Athletes and Ari Daivari head down as the next entrants.

Eliminated: Evil Uno and Luther

Reynolds is tosses over the top rope and is eliminated by Yuta before Rush suplexes him into the corner and follows it up with Bull's Horns. He then tosses him out of the ring and eliminates him. Serpentico delivers several chops to Rush, but Vance catches him with the discus lariat and eliminates him.

Eliminated: Alex Reynolds, Wheeler Yuta and Serpentico

Top Flight and AR Fox are the next entrants. Daivari tries to eliminate Castagnoli, but Castagnoli reverses the momentum and eliminates him. Castagnoli then tosses Vance onto the apron over the top, and Moxley delivers a big boot to eliminate him. Dante looks to eliminate Nese, but Woods saves him. Darius then beats Woods down before Dante eliminates him. Nese goes over the top to launch himself back into the ring, but as he does so, Dante pushes him to the outside to eliminate him.

Eliminated: Ari Daivari, Varsity Athletes, and Preston Vance

Rush delivers a kick to eliminate Beretta, then exchanges chops and uppercuts with Castagnoli. He looks to eliminate him, but Castagnoli saves himself. Rush and Castagnoli both land on the apron over the top rope before Castagnoli manages to knock him to the floor with an uppercut. Fox looks to go flying, but Moxley eliminates him.

Eliminated: Rush and AR Fox

Top Flight and BCC face off with one another before "Hangman" Adam Page gets into the ring from out of nowhere and goes after Moxley. This allows Top Flight to eliminate him.

Eliminated: Jon Moxley

Page and Moxley continue to brawl on the outside as Castagnoli catches Dante with an uppercut. He gets Top Flight up on his shoulders, but they escape and Darius hits a flatliner. Security pulls apart Moxley and Page as they head up the ramp while Castagnoli rains down elbows on Top Flight. He tosses Darius over the top and onto the apron, but Darius gets back in and delivers an elbow followed by a DDT. They clothesline him onto the apron, but Castagnoli holds on. He gets back in the ring and looks to powerbomb Dante to the outside, but Dante reverses it into the head scissors takedown for the win.

Eliminated: Claudio Castagnoli

Winners: Top Flight and AR Fox

Back from the break, Eddie Kingston and Ortiz head to the ring. Kingston addresses the House of Black and their recent attacks. He says he and Ortiz sent them a contract for a match, but they didn't sign it. He says he doesn't want to wait for the lights to go out and says he wants to fight them now.

The lights go out and Julia Hart appears on the ramp. She points at the screen as the rest of House of Black appears. Black says he's been thinking and says the enemy of his enemy is his friend

Ortiz and Kingston begin yelling in the ring as Kingston questions Ortiz's loyalties.

We head backstage to Sammy Guevara, Daniel Garcia and Renee Paquette. Paquette asks Guevara for his reaction to Chris Jericho telling him to watch over Garcia. Garcia cuts him off and says he doesn't like him but will listen to what Jericho said. Guevara says he needs to loosen up and forces him to hug him.

Back at ringside, Jade Cargill and The Baddies head down, with Vertvixen already waiting inside.

The bell rings and Cargill plants Vertvixen. She whips her into the corner, then delivers a forearm and a bodyslam.

Back from the break, Vertvixen delivers a boot to Cargill's midsection. Cargill catches her with a thrust kick and an ax kick, then hits a pump kick for the win.

Winner: Jade Cargill

We then head to a video of Ruby Soho talking directly to Tay Melo and says she's getting tired of the numbers game. She says she found the perfect person to help her out before Willow Nightingale walks in. She tells Soho to fist pump her, and Soho reluctantly does so.

We then head to a video of Wardlow addressing Samoa Joe. He says he's not done with him and will beat him to regain the TNT Championship on next week's "Dynamite."

Back from the break, we see Powerhouse Hobbs beat down a personnel member on the outside.

Back at ringside, Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt head down followed by The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn.

Bowens and Lethal begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Lethal fires off several right hands, then looks for the Figure Four, but Bowens escapes. The pair exchange chops before Bowens delivers a bulldog and tags in Gunn. Jarrett tags in and delivers a thumb to Gunn's eye. He hits a right hand, then delivers a back elbow. Gunn fires back with a vicious clothesline, then sends him into the turnbuckle and delivers a suplex. Lethal tags in and ascends to the top, but Gunn catches him and tags in Bowens. Bowens delivers a bodyslam, then scissors Gunn. The pair deliver a double elbow drop.

Back from the break, Jarrett delivers a back body drop to Bowens and tags in Lethal. He trips Bowens, then delivers a few stomps. Lethal delivers a suplex, then locks in a chinlock. Bowens escapes and rolls up Lethal. Lethal kicks out and delivers The Lethal Combination. Jarrett tags in and delivers a stomp to Bowens. Bowens manages to make the hot tag to Gunn as Lethal tags in and delivers a clothesline. He hits a boot to his midsection before Singh low blows Gunn, allowing Lethal to hit Lethal Injection for the win.

Winners: Jay Lethal and Satnam Singh

Eliminated: Chuck Taylor Eliminated: The Blade, Orange Cassidy, Kip Sabian Eliminated: Angelico, Dralistico and John Silver Eliminated: Evil Uno and Luther Eliminated: Alex Reynolds, Wheeler Yuta and Serpentico Eliminated: Ari Daivari, Varsity Athletes, and Preston Vance Eliminated: Rush and AR Fox Eliminated: Jon Moxley Eliminated: Claudio Castagnoli Winners: Top Flight and AR Fox Winner: Jade Cargill Winners: Jay Lethal and Satnam Singh