Scottsbluff school board hears update BMS program, approves resolution to fill former Splash Arena pool
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Scottsbluff school board hears update BMS program, approves resolution to fill former Splash Arena pool

Oct 14, 2024

Bluffs Middle School principal Jana Mason speaks to the Scottsbluff school board about the WIN programming introduced to the district’s middle grades this school year.

The Scottsbluff School Board heard an update on instruction at Bluffs Middle School and approved a resolution to allow use of Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Funds (QCPUF) for work on the former Splash Arena at a meeting on Monday, Jan. 8.

Bluffs Middle School principal Jana Mason gave a presentation to the board on the school’s recently implemented What I Need (WIN) period.

WIN is a 35-minute block at the end of every school day that sees students participating in programming designed to instruct, support or enrich their education depending on needs.

Mason explained that every BMS student gets to select their preferred enrichment course from a variety of options like music, photography, STEM, coding, literature or e-sports. If a need for additional instruction arises, that student’s teachers will then draw up a flexible action plan to address it.

“If they are then failing or need (intervention) their teachers at their grade level come together, collaborate and put together days of the week for them to go to their teachers,” Mason said. “It’s very fluid.”

WIN time can also be used to complete assignments, retake tests or function as a study hall period as needed. Mason said this was useful for student athletes who often miss periods to travel for games.

One benefit Mason brought up was the ability to minimize scheduling conflicts for students who might be in need of an intervention class, but would also like to participate in fine arts programs like band or orchestra.

“In order to maintain those fabulous programs, we were able to add this in at the end of the day. If it’s something that they need, we can provide it,” she said.

Mason said this system also eases scheduling difficulties experienced by sixth graders who need to take a mandatory keyboarding class by offering it during WIN time.

After one semester of WIN implementation, she said, BMS faculty and staff saw a “huge decline and reduction in failing grades,” in addition to an increase in collaboration among teachers, better relationships forming between students and educators and other signs of success.

Mason said WIN time has introduced some growing pains in scheduling, the teaching staff at BMS has put great effort into making the change as impactful as possible.

“We’re going to continue to refine our course offerings, they’re not perfect,” she said. “Our teachers have been phenomenal at trying things and being flexible.”

The board also passed a resolution related to the future of the former Splash Arena at Scottsbluff High School.

The Splash Arena is not currently in use, and its extended vacancy has led to issues with groundwater filling the deeper parts of the pool. That standing water has, in turn, created issues with humidity in the building.

A resolution was brought forward that would allow the district to seek bids to fill the pool up to ground level, which would eliminate the standing water while also preparing the structure for its next purpose, whatever that happens to be.

Filling the pool is projected to cost around $100,000, which would be paid using QCPUF funds. Board president Scott Reisig said the work would be done without a new tax request, and that the project will still come before the board for final approval once bids have been submitted.

Other business for the board included annual reorganization, in which Reisig was reelected to serve as board president. Vice president Beth Merrigan also retained her seat.

The next meeting of the Scottsbluff school board will take place on Monday, Feb. 12 at 6 p.m. in the boardroom at Scottsbluff High School.

Contact Fletcher Halfaker: [email protected], 308-632-9048.

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