Building Permit Fees
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Building Permit Fees

Sep 18, 2023

Building DivisionCity Hall, 3rd Floor71 Main Street West, HamiltonCall 905-546-2720 orEmail [email protected]

You must pay permit fees when you submit your Building Permit application. Building Permit fees are determined by Hamilton's Building Permit By-law 15-058(PDF, 291.14 KB). Refer to this By-law for full details about building permit fees, requirements, refunds and code of conduct.

Calculation of Permit Fees

1. Permit fees shall be calculated based on the formula given below, unless otherwise specified in this schedule:

Where SI = Service lndex for the applicable Classification under section 3 below of the work proposed, and A = floor area in m2 of work involved.

Permit Fees

2a. Permit fees shall be rounded off to the nearest full dollar.

2b. Where the permit fee is in excess of $50,000 an applicant may elect to pay 55% of the full permit fee at the time of building permit application and the balance at the time of permit issuance.

2c. Fees noted in the Schedule are subject to Harmonized Sales Tax (H.S.T.) where applicable

Classes of Permits and Fees

3. Permit fees shall be calculated using table 1.

4. Where no new floor area is created, or where materials, systems or equipment regulated by the Code render it impossible to determine the permit fee on the basis of the classifications noted in this Schedule, the permit fee payable shall be 1% of the prescribed value as determined by the Chief Building Official under section 6 of this by-law, subject to a minimum fee as per Section 3 of this Schedule.

5. The total fees under this Schedule and Schedule "C" shall be paid prior to the issuance of the permit.

Minimum permit fee of $277 for processing and issuance of permits, except where specifically noted otherwise in this By-law.

Other fees, such as Development Charge Fees and/or Parkland Dedication Fees, may also apply, depending on the nature of the proposed development.

Permit Fee = SI x A Minimum permit fee of $277 Assembly Occupancies Service Index (SI) $/m2 Institutional Occupancies Service Index (SI) $/m2 Residential Occupancies Service Index (SI) $/m2 Business and Personal Services Service Index (SI) $/m2 Group E (Mercantile) Service Index (SI) $/m2 Group F (Industrial) Service Index (SI) $/m2 Foundation Permits Flat Fee Designated Structures Flat Fee Fire Protection Systems Service Index (SI) $/m2 Mechanical Systems Flat Fee Demolition Service Index (SI) $/m2 Plumbing Devices Flat Fee Renewable (Green) Energy Systems Flat Fee Sewage Systems Flat Fee Signs Flat Fee Other Classifications Service Index (SI) $/m2 Administrative Fees Flat Fee Additional Plan Review (Resubmission) - Additional Permit Fee (Revision)- Alternative Solution - Applicable Law Review - Building Code Compliance Letters - Change of Use Permit - Conditional Permit Fee Fire Watch/Fire Plan - Limiting Distance Agreements - Occupancy of an Unfinished Building - Permit or Application Extensions - Pre-Consultation - Premature/Additional Inspections - Stock Plans - Suspended Permit - Transfer of Permit -